Making A Wise Choice Of Foods We Consume
It is a well known fact proclaimed by the health community that eating fish is very good for the body for it gives us omega 3 fatty acids which has beneficial effects.
If you wish to order sushi, choose a dish that does not contain the other items like cheese, mayonnaise and sauces etc. Use herbs and natural seasoning on the sushi to make it a healthy choice.
While some sushi dishes are prepared using a lot of fat and spices for coating, the ingredients make it an unhealthy choice. However there are other preparations of sushi like rolls, salad, sandwich etc, which are tasty and healthy too.
Many of us have the habit of snacking on dry fruits and dried fruits. We believe dried fruits are as good as fresh fruits and contain the same nutritional values. This need not be true, for the fruits are processes with additional ingredients and sugar, which makes it heavier on the calorie value. It is always a best option to opt for fresh fruit wherever it is easily available.
If you though granola bars are good for your diet. Think again. They contain added sugars, which makes the bars loaded with additional calories. It is always better to make your own bar, which is easy. You can mix oatmeal with fruits, nuts and natural sweetener like honey to go with it.
Next time you wish to order veggie burgers, please watch out. They can contain high calorie items like cheese and white sauce etc which give you very high calories.
Veggie burgers may not be as bad as meat burgers in terms of the fat content and other harmful substances. However the additional calories are on account of the cheese and the sauce used in dressing.
Eating right is the key to feeling good. So choose healthy foods, which may not necessarily be good to your taste buds but are good for your body.
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Labels: calories, eating right, fat content